Why is the Polish IT market growing so fast?
In Poland, IT industry has been developing strongly in the past twelve months: According to IDC it saw 7% growth on the previous year. Outsourcing has been doing particularly well. In 2010 it made up 17% of the overall IT market (IDC, Outsourcing Magazine 6/2010). Proving this, we at Future Processing have doubled our headcount and gained many new customers.
In Poland, IT industry has been developing strongly in the past twelve months: According to IDC it saw 7% growth on the previous year. Outsourcing has been doing particularly well. In 2010 it made up 17% of the overall IT market (IDC, Outsourcing Magazine 6/2010). Proving this, we at Future Processing have doubled our headcount and gained many new customers. What you may wonder is driving this growth when everyone is talking about a slower than expected and very fragile economic recovery?
Here in Poland, IT spending by private households and small and medium-sized businesses is steadily growing. However, large corporations are still the main customers for the industry. Global growth might be slow, but corporate IT budgets that were previously on hold, have now been released. Many companies are looking to finally upgrade the business applications or invest in the new systems that they have wanted to for the past couple of years.
According to PMR research, other key growth factors include: harnessing EU funds, government spending and an increased awareness of IT needs. Perhaps more surprisingly, nearly 17% of respondents in the company’s research also cited new technologies as a key growth driver. This is up by 3% on previous years. The biggest new technology driving growth is virtualisation or cloud computing. These technologies affect not only cloud computing providers but also offshore software developers like us. As companies put more into the cloud, they also need to make sure that the cloud architecture is compatible with their business applications, which can involve upgrading these applications or just adding new scripts to ensure they work. This is exactly the sort of self-contained project that companies like to outsource, especially if they are relatively new to offshoring. The uptake of cloud shows no sign of abating and we fully expect to see more of its effects coming our way in Poland.
Global economic growth is set to continue (albeit slowly) and the Polish IT industry is well positioned to take advantage of the demand it creates with our emphasis on quality and technical skills that help us to stand out.