AI & ML PoC Development

Verify your assumptions for an AI or ML product and make good business decisions.

Make good decisions

By creating a Proof of Concept (PoC) of your AI or ML product you verify the idea on an early stage of development.

With the AI & ML engineers engaged in the R&D phase you plan your product development on data not hypotheses. And this ensures the high ROI better decisions in your project.

We deliver PoC for the following ML fields:

AI, ML services and more

By engaging us as a tech partner you benefit from over 20 years of experience in developing software products.

Get access to a whole variety of competences referring to e.g., data, cloud, business analysis and more. We do not only use data but also help you gather it. You don’t need the internal team of specialists to ensure the complex development of an AI & ML solution that you need.

We are transparent and we share high level recommendations on the AI & ML solution after the analysis of your idea, requirements and challenges.

In a highly competitive world where efficiency and innovation are the key to success, you need to undertake bold decisions to stay out in the crowd. That's a hassle, but you can be smart about it by verifying your ideas with minimal risk and effort. Not only it can save you from a bad investment, but it can help you discover the potential of your data.

Szymon Szymański
AI Practice Manager, Future Processing

What will you get?

  • A possibility to create an interactive PoC of your AI & ML software solution
  • Knowledge on alternative business opportunities
  • Certitude that your investment will bring expected results and high ROI
  • Architecture and technology recommendations prepared by experienced AI & ML scientists
  • A thorough research with an experimental fragment of code that can be used for the further development of your solution
  • Highly competent AI & ML engineers who already know your product and can continue its development if you would like to


Some of the technologies we use:

Implementing an advanced analytics system which collects data from 61,7 mln daily readings

Read the case study

Developing the only system in the world calculating the Residual Steel Lifetime

Read the case study

Consulting on design, optimisation, and functionalities of an ML-based chatbot solution

Read the case study

Let’s talk!

Verify your assumptions for an AI or ML product.

Leave your contact details and request a PoC of your AI or ML product.