AI-driven end-to-end service saved weeks of work, enabling over 700 votes for more than 530 NGOs
Executive summary
Challenge: Leveraging the power of an AI chatbot to assist our clients in choosing a charity organisation which truly aligns with their values and would receive a donation from Future Processing during the Fantastic Present campaign.
Approach: Our experts delivered a comprehensive digital service based on AI, creating a fully operational prompt system, a user-friendly chatbot guiding our clients through engaging conversations, and a dedicated website. We leveraged AI to search and verify 580 NGOs – 10 organisations from every country and from each category – in a couple of hours.
Result: AI saved us around 2 weeks and a lot of resources while improving the qualitative and quantitative features of our initiative. We sent the newsletter with a high open rate to 726 people. Our clients were able to express themselves and state what is truly important to them. Personalised answers prepared by our AI-based chatbot allowed them to choose the charities to support.
Table of contents
About the project
Every year, we organise a New Year campaign for our clients. Having the technological expertise and know-how, once again we decided to leverage the power of modern IT solutions while highlighting our dedication to ESG and creating technology solutions that empower people and organisations.
Our clients now have the real opportunity to channel aid and bring financial support to numerous NGOs through our new Fantastic Present initiative. Using a bespoke chatbot, they share what they consider important regarding charity work and support. AI understands the context, and our partners’ motivations and intentions, and prepares a list of matching charity organisations and the clients may vote for the NGOs that they feel should get a donation.
We decided to significantly change the formula of the campaign in 2019, reducing the carbon footprint and overall environmental costs. Instead of sending physical gifts and cards to every company that we worked with, the campaign was transformed into something bigger and more impactful.
When using the chatbot, we were impressed with its ability to understand the context of the conversation and all of the questions asked, as well as provide an accurate response. It was also able to proactively seek out the relevant information by asking clarifying questions to help users find the right charity initiative.
It was clear that the chatbot could reach, consume, and process vast amounts of data to provide charity recommendations to each individual based on their responses to a handful of questions. The chatbot was also personalised, taking on board the username and location which enabled it to adjust its language and tone based on context.
New challenge
In 2023, we decided to leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence to create a dedicated web page with a chatbot which seamlessly assisted our clients and partners in choosing a charity to support. This way, we asked for their opinions and gave them a lot of space to select an NGO aligned with their values.
The aim was to showcase the potential of chatbots as one of the latest technological trends that has many practical, transformative, and clever applications. Our other goal was also to reduce the amount of manual work through AI automation and streamline the process of gathering Fantastic Present votes.
We had to make the multilingual robot engaging and reliable. The biggest challenge was the adaptation and optimisation of the prompts. The AI chatbot had to be implemented in a container orchestrator and be able to search a database of organisations from different countries dedicated to different causes.
Optimisation and automation
We leveraged Artificial Intelligence to significantly optimise our extensive search for NGOs from the European Union, United Kingdom, and Ukraine that are engaged in three main categories: human, environment, and technology. The search involved 10 organisations from every country and from each category. We further automated our process with AI to verify several criteria and establish whether the selected organisations are truly credible.
We ended up verifying over 580 organisations and choosing 532 of them in a couple of hours – something that would take us weeks without AI.
Comprehensive approach to an end-to-end process
We started by leveraging our Experience Design expertise and creating low-fidelity hand-drawn mock-ups to plan out our initial steps.
To streamline the development process, we used our company’s Design System built on WordPress and Elementor. We also focused primarily on the desktop design, keeping in mind that more than 95% of the users from previous editions of Fantastic Present preferred it to the mobile version. We created high-fidelity mock-ups in 3 languages and 6 resolutions to ensure high quality user experience and responsiveness.
Future Processing’s internal Fantastic Present Team consisted of experienced specialists from different fields: Business Analysis, Consulting, Design, Web Development, Software Development, Quality Assurance, PR, Performance Marketing, Software Architecture, and Security led by a Scrum Master. Our initiative became more than just an idea – it was a complete, end-to-end IT project with a business need and a comprehensive approach, which resulted in a successful solution.
Choosing a charity
While chatting with our Fantastic Present Chatbot, a person had to answer questions regarding the country and sector of their choice. As a result, the chatbot presented a couple of organisations matching the answers and gave the person a chance to: choose one of them, learn more about them, or see more examples of organisations in the chosen categories.
The organisations that were first listed by the chatbot were the ones chosen before by other interlocutors. We created a special recommendation system so that more money would go to the most popular choices.
After the person decided to support one of the organisations, the chatbot thanked for the decision and confirmed that the selected charity would receive a donation. Our LLM system recorded votes in a separate database, enabling us to quickly determine which NGOs to transfer funds to once the campaign was over.
Results of our campaign
The Fantastic Present newsletter was sent to 726 people. We recorded a high open rate – our clients happily engaged with our AI chatbot and shared their perspective on what is important regarding NGO charity work.
Thanks to the votes and our recommendation system, we were able to donate to:
6 organisations aimed at people:
- Foundation for Social and Economic Initiatives
- Fundacja “Mimo Wszystko”
- Österreichische Kinder-Krebs-Hilfe
- Masha Fund
- British Red Cross
- Tabletochki
4 organisations aimed at technology:
- TechSoup
- The Raspberry Pi Foundation
- Centrum Cyfrowe Projekt: Polska
- The Things Network Foundation
6 organisations aimed at natural environment:
- Greenpeace
- Greenpeace Polska
- WWF Poland
- Fundacja Nasza Ziemia
- Terra Cypria